

Demographic Details of District Kinnaur

Area and Population
Description Census 2011 Census 2001
Actual Population 84,121 78,334
Male 46,249 42,173
Female 37,872 36,161
Population Growth 7.39% 9.91%
Area Sq. Km 6,401 6,401
Density/km2 13 12
Proportion to Himachal Pradesh Population 1.23% 1.29%
Sex Ratio (Per 1000) 819 857
Average Literacy 80.00 75.20
Male Literacy 87.27 84.30
Female Literacy 70.96 64.40
Literates 60,699 51,913
Male Literates 36,697 31,589
Female Literates 24,002 20,324